Mississippi Association of Plant Pathologists and Nematologists, Mississippi Entomological Association, and Mississippi Weed Science Society Poster Contest Instructions for Judges


Judges will have a private viewing of the posters after assembly. The local arrangements chairperson and judges will be the only individuals present during judging.

Presentations will be judged in two major categories: Presentation skills (Methods and Mechanics) and Content (Relevance and Merit). A sample score sheet is attached. Each judge will use a separate score sheet. Score sheets will be returned to contestants. Judges will use the scale on the worksheet to evaluate categories. After scoring all posters, sheets will be ranked from high to low by placing a number in the upper right hand corner of the score sheet, using a scale of 1 to the number of posters in the contest, with 1 representing the highest score. The winners will be determined by summing the rankings of the judges, and the three posters with the lowest total scores will be declared the winners. The poster with the lowest score will be awarded first place, the poster with the next lowest score awarded second place and the poster with next lowest score awarded third place. In an effort to avoid ties, judges will not be allowed to give identical scores to two or more posters; if, however, after compiling scores from all judges a tie occurs, then both contestants will share that award. Overall comments should be entered at the bottom of the page along with specific comments in the area provided within each section of the score sheet. Critical comments will aid the presenter by enhancing his/her communication skills by pointing out specific areas and points that should be improved; comments of a complimentary nature for a job well done are also important and appropriate.


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