The Program Committee shall:
- Develop a program for the annual meeting.
- 2. Appoint session moderators as appropriate.
- Provide a time frame for:
- The annual business meeting (coordinate with the Executive Committee).
- The annual banquet or luncheon if such is planned.
- Include a banquet or luncheon program and speaker at the discretion of the Program
Committee and approved by the Executive Committee (coordinate with the Awards
Committee when appropriate).
- Confirm participation of all program and banquet or luncheon speakers in writing.
- Present the proposed program agenda to the Executive Committee at its first annual meeting
for comments and/or suggestions, and a final (as near as feasible) program at its summer
meeting for approval.
- Provide the Executive Secretary a final copy of the program not later than September 15 for
mail-out to the membership.
- Coordinate with the Executive Secretary, and mail all program participants a copy of the
final program with directions to the meeting site as appropriate.
- Follow-up with letters of appreciation to all program and/or banquet/luncheon speakers and
moderators. (Program Chairman draft letter(s) for mailing by the Executive Secretary.
- Maintain an active file of the Program Committee's actions for submission to the Executive
Secretary-Treasurer at the Annual Business meeting whose responsibility is to see that the
newly appointed Program Committee Chairman receives the file.
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