Article VII. - Election of officers and directors
- Qualifications - Only Regular Members shall be eligible to serve as President, Vice President or Director (except
graduate student director). All candidates for the office of President and Vice President must have been a member of the
Society for at least three (3) years, except during the initial 3-years of the society. Graduate students should have one
year of study remaining to serve as a director.
- Nomination - The Nominating Committee shall present one name for Vice President and one name for each Director
whose term has expired to the memberships at the annual business meeting. Other members may be nominated for Vice
President or Director from the Floor.
- Directors terms shall be staggered to elect two (2) directors each year, with one (1) representing the public sector and
one (1) representing the private sector, initially non-graduate students directors shall be elected as follows: One (1) each
from the public and private sector for one (1) year ending in 1987, one (1) each from the public and private sector for
two (2) years ending in 1988, and one (1) each from the public and thereafter for three (3) year terms. Graduate student
directors shall be elected annually.
- No members shall be placed on the ballot by the Nominating Committee without their consent.
- The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be a Regular member and appointed by the Executive Committee. Term of
office of the Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
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