Article VI. - Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Executive Secretary
(non-voting), and Directors.
- Any vacancy occurring between annual meetings of the Society shall be filled via appointment by the President, subject
to the approval of the Executive Committee with the exception of the President in which case the Vice President shall
assume the duties of the President. A Vice President succeeding to the Presidency shall serve the unexpired term plus
the term of office that he would normally be scheduled to serve should he desire. Directors or a Vice President appointed
by the President to fill vacancies shall serve until the next annual meeting at which time an election shall be held to fill
the unexpired term (an appointed Vice President may become President only in the event both the elected President and
Vice President are unable to serve and then only until a new President can be elected by the membership. Should this
situation develop the President (appointed Vice President) shall be eligible for election to a full term as President.
- If a director or officer is absent from two (2) consecutive Executive Committee meetings including the annual meeting,
the Executive Committee may declare a vacancy in the delinquent office and may appoint a successor to serve until the
next annual meeting of the members, at which time a successor shall be elected for the unexpired term.
- Members may not serve in more than one (1) position on the Executive Committee simultaneously.
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