Article V. - Officers
- Elected officers of the Society shall be President, Vice President, Immediate Past-President, and seven Directors
consisting of three (3) employed in the public sector, three (3) employed in the private sector, and one (a) graduate
student. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President immediately after serving a term as Vice President
and then to Past President.
- Term of office for the President and Vice President shall be for one (1) year. Members may be eligible to serve an
additional term(s) as Vice President or President one (1) year after holding the office. They shall begin their duties at the
end of the annual meeting of the Society and shall remain in office until the close of the next annual meeting of the
Society. Directors shall begin their duties at the same time as the President and Vice President. A Director may serve
two (2) consecutive three (3)-year terms. Term for Directors shall be for three (3) years.
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